The "Gyumri Craftsman State School No. 4" State Non-Commercial Organization was established in 2009 and registered by the Gyumri Territorial Division of the State Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Armenia on 14.07.2009, with registration number 29.210.02439 and certificate 03 A 084223.

The organization's charter was approved by the RA Minister of Education and Science on 06.07.2009 by Order No. 593-A/Q.

The educational institution implements an initial professional basic educational program based on secondary education and an initial professional educational program based on primary education, combined with the third stage of the secondary education program.

Admission to the school is carried out according to the established admission procedure.

Education is organized in an in-person format. The educational process is regulated by curricula, subject programs, schedules, and class timetables.

The learning process is carried out by combining various modern teaching methods.

The school operates in collaboration with higher, intermediate, and professional educational institutions, as well as research and production organizations.

The lecturers of the school are regularly retrained to improve their professional knowledge and skills. Some master lecturers have also participated in the development and revision of professional SESs and have created educational manuals that are used in the vocational education institutions of the republic.

Upon graduation, students are awarded a state-standardized diploma with the corresponding qualification. Students who demonstrate high academic performance and activity are provided with material and moral encouragement, and the best students are supported in finding employment.

Various forms of work-based learning are implemented at the school.

By Order No. 1468-A/2 of the RA Minister of Education and Science dated 29.10.2018, with the support of the German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ), the dual education system was introduced at the school for the specialty "Culinary Arts" based on primary education.

By Order No. 1069-A/2 of the RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports dated 07.07.2021, the state educational standard for the specialty "Installation, Repair, and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Power Plants" was experimentally introduced at the school.

By Order No. 1835-A/2 of the RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports dated 14.09.2023, the state educational standard for the specialty "Furniture Production Technology" was experimentally introduced at the school.

The above-mentioned specialties are taught based on primary education with a duration of three years.

The educational institution operates based on a strategic plan, sector-specific laws, and regulatory legal acts.

The work carried out is evaluated periodically through monitoring, performance evaluations, and reports. Starting from the 2019–2020 academic year, internal evaluations are conducted at the school, reflecting the educational and upbringing activities, building conditions, material and technical equipment, the activities of student and parent councils, the career guidance center, analyses, and proposals.

By the decision of the Accreditation Commission of the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA) at the session held on 27.04.2024, the Gyumri State Craftsmanship Vocational School No. 4 was granted institutional accreditation for a period of four years.

The goals of the school are:

  • To train craftsmen with initial professional (craftsmanship) qualifications for various fields in accordance with state educational standards
  • To shape individuals educated in the spirit of national and universal values
  • To meet the professional education needs of individuals and their spiritual and physical development
  • To implement initial professional (craftsmanship) and general education programs (basic and supplementary).


Organization of Educational Activities

Admission to the school is carried out in accordance with the established admission procedure.

Education is organized in an in-person format. The educational process is regulated by curricula, subject programs, schedules, and class timetables.

Educational classes are conducted by combining various modern teaching methods.

The school operates in collaboration with relevant higher, intermediate, and professional educational institutions, as well as research and production organizations.

The lecturers of the school are regularly retrained to improve their professional knowledge and skills.

All students studying on a tuition-free basis receive state scholarships.

Upon graduation, students are awarded certificates of secondary (complete) education and state diplomas with the corresponding qualification.

Students who demonstrate high academic performance and activity are provided with material and moral encouragement, and the best students are supported in finding employment.












"Alvan Tsaghik"
