Computer operator

5. The profile of the professional activity of the specialist of the qualification 0611.01.01.4 "Operator: computer" of the initial professional (industrial) education 0611.01.4 Computer operation" is given according to the types of occupations and professional responsibilities.
6. A specialist with the qualification 0611.01.01.4 "Computer operator" of the "Computer operation" specialty of the preliminary vocational education) carries out the following occupations:
1) computer works of information processing, storage, transmission,
2) installation and operation of computer equipment and auxiliary equipment,
3) running software applications intended for clerical work.
7. The responsibilities of the professional activity of the specialist with the qualification of computer operator 611.01.01.4 of the initial professional (industrial) education 0611.1.4 Computer operation are:
1) process, edit and update information,
2) prepare and store electronic documents and reports in the appropriate place,
3) organize safe actions for sending and receiving documents,
4) to ensure the functions of correct installation of the equipment, their regulation and technical maintenance works in a timely and complete manner,
5) operate the computers and auxiliary equipment located,
6) ensure uninterrupted operation and operating conditions of computer equipment
7) search for necessary information,
8) maintain, renew, verify according to the change of relevant input and output data, the structure and features of computing systems, computer programs and documents,
9) to prefer the most effective means of performing various tasks, the activity of making sound decisions and performing analyzes in changing working conditions,
10) use material resources sparingly,
11) if necessary, provide technical assistance and advice within the scope of its activities,
12) provide appropriate information to the superior in a timely manner.












"Alvan Tsaghik"
