Informational open lesson entitled "Vulnerable consequences of drug addiction"
5. The characteristic of the professional activity of the specialist of the preliminary vocational (craft) education 0214.05.4 "Furniture production technology" specialty 0214.05.01.4 "Furniture qualification specialist" is given according to the types of occupations and professional duties.
6. The specialist with the qualification 0214.05.01.4 Furniture maker of the preliminary professional (craft) education 0214.05.4 "Furniture production technology" carries out the following occupations:
1) a manufacturer of wood-based furniture,
2) furniture maker with chipboards and fiberboards,
3) repairer of furniture and furniture elements.
7. 1214.05.4 "Furniture production technology" of the specialty 0214.05.01.4 of preliminary professional (craft) education. The responsibilities of the professional activity of a furniture specialist are:
1) reading collective drawings of furniture,
2) drawing up sketches and working drawings of linear surface and dimensional elements of furniture junctions,
3) selection of timber and lumber, materials, accessories,
4) manufacture of furniture components using hand, hand electromechanical tools, woodworking machines,
5) facing of furniture constructions and construction parts,
6) assembly of furniture joints and furniture,
7) elimination of defects of assembled furniture,
8) repair of furniture and its elements.
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