“We are the ARMENIA”


On the 7th of October in Gyumri Craftsman State School N4 held an event headed under the title of   “We are the Armenia”, which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of Armenia. The event was organized by the joint of Teaching Committee on Natural Science and Mathematics and the Students’ Council. The event aimed to raise students’ patriotic spirit and to represent the history of Armenian people with its losses and gains The event’s program in speech and prose recitation and the main performance were interconnected and were complement each other logically, creating conditions for the  main idea of the performance.
The irreplaceable value and almighty power of the Native Land was estimated and appraised by the stage design, emotional scenes and profound words.
Ringing Bells of Biblical Ararat took the audience to the native lands and the call of freedom from the child’s mouth gave the opportunity to endure the joy of freedom and independency. The main idea was summed up in H. Sahyan’s poetic words, providing that the current generations are the real descendants of Armenia, the country of Sun. They are the creators of our future, defenders of Independent Armenia.
                            Teaching Committee on Natural Science and Mathematics and the Students’ Council