
“Only a man with a soul can live and die for the sake of his homeland”
                                                  Garegin Nzhdeh

On the 31st of May an event was held entitled “The homeland is calling” at the Gyumri Craftsman State School N4 which was dedicated to Armenian soldiers. The aim of the event was to praise our border keepers and to pass the students, younger generation the importance of what the ones who have graduated that school have done. 
The honorary guests of the event were the parents of the soldiers, the soldier Armen Khachatryan who was on the incentive vocation, the representatives of military units of Shirak region and military commissariats.
The event was begun with the silence minute to honor the bright memories of the brave soldiers who died during the four-day April war. 
A play was shown about the birth of an Armenian child who hears war songs from the cradle and brings up with the soul of brave soldier who protects his motherland.  The participants were touched by the oath of the soldier to his motherland, his patriotic song reached to everybody's heart. There were many other patriotic songs, dances, poems which were а bright example of the idea that the Armenian soldiers are real descendants of their grandfathers, they are the owners of their land and country and they won’t allow anyone break the peace of their homeland. During the event the graduated soldiers were  introduced name by name who received education and brought up with patriotic soul in that school, gained a lot of professional skills due to which the received many incentive presents from the commanders.  
An appreciation paper was given to the parents of more than 25 soldiers by the directorate for their committed work in protection of their homeland.  Especially the names of Rafayel Hovhannisyan who was reward the Medal of the 2nd degree of "Battle Cross" for his brevity during four-day April war and Sanasar Tsarukyan who received the third place in the international competition “Tank Biathlon 2014 was mentioned proudly. 
The headmaster of Gyumri Craftsman State School N4 Khnarik Aharonyan made a speech of appreciation to the soldiers’ parents and pedagogues and mentioned that the students are brought up by the ideas of Nzhdeh at their school which become evident during their military service. 
At the end of the event everybody applauded to the powerful and heroic image of the Armenian soldier.
“It is important to be ready to die for your homeland but it’s much more important to be ready to live for the sake of it”, - it was the nail of the event. The latter showed confidence and proudness towards the brave soldiers. 
Education coordinator 
S. Elbakyan.