"The Patriotic Woman's Image ..."



On February 26, was held an open lesson on History , entitled  " The Patriotic Woman’s Image ..." at Gyumri Craftsman State School N4. The lesson was dedicated to the Feast of Saints Vardanants. The participants of the lesson were the first-year students of "Computer Maintenance: Computer Operator ".
The goal was to present the Vardanants War as a heroic battle for the freedom and independence of the homeland and the role of the Armenian woman in that war.
At the beginning of the lesson the students talked about the Battle of Avarair in 451, presented the causes and consequences of the war. They noted that the war was of a nation-wide nature. The land was patrolling princes, villagers, noble women, rhinestones. As a credible testimony, the students read the chapter "Ladies in the World of Sissy" from Yeghishe's Book of Vartan and Armenian War. The courage of Armenian sisters who participated in the Vardanants War, patriotism became an example for future generations.
The students presented the results of the preliminary research, which was to gather information about the well-known women in Armenian history. Parandzem Queen, Shushanik Mamikonyan, Sose Momik, Hero of Artsakh war, Anahit Martirosyan was mentioned in their patriotic acts. The words of the survivors were accompanied by their own slopes. Summing up the lesson, they came to the conclusion that the Armenian woman is the home of the Armenian family, and it is not accidental that the Armenian identity is being built on that basis and the main issue of becoming an Armenian.
A.    Aghababyan