The Discussion of Nar-Dos’s story “ Yes Ev Na” (“She and I”)


On February 22, at the Gyumri Craftsmen State School N4, was held an open lesson narrative discussion dedicated to Nar-Dos's " She I & " Book Dedication and the students of second-year  took part in it.
They briefly portrayed the life of Nar-Dos, the creative way. They noted that Nar-Dos is one of the prominent figures of the Armenian realistic prose and read verses dedicated to Nar-Dos by Armenian elders.
The students presented the plot story in advance. The two fates, the like and the like. Two young men who had dreams and goals were infinitely happy with their great love, but ...
Analyzed the characters of the story, their psychological motives and their consequences.
A stormy discussion followed, and then came to a conclusion. a gentle will, a destabilizing person will overcome the painful and unexpected blows of life, should not break, fight, overtake and reach the heights.
Teacher of Armenian Language and Literature, K. Grigoryan