An open lesson entitled “The Need for First Aid in Emergencies”


On February 22, with the participation of 2nd year students of the Gyumri Craftsman State School N4 an open lesson on "Need for First Aid in Emergency" was held from UNDP and Biology.
 The aim of the lesson was to build students' ability to make emergency situations and provide first aid.
Five pre-formed groups prepared reports on the following topics: first aid in the case of bites, burns, breathing organs, bleeding, fractures. Taking into consideration the relevance and timeliness of the topic, participants demonstrated the practical skills parallel to theoretical knowledge. Many examples and slide layouts made the lesson more impressive and instructive.
At the end of the lesson, the participants answered the questions of the audience and concluded that every citizen, valuing humanitarian ideas, is obliged to save lives in various situations with skillful actions, as well as the strengths and dictates of each person's conscience.
The Head of Teaching Committee, Z. Nahapetyan