Gyumri Craftsmen State School N 4:  and  “Entanik” Center  “ Call…Spirit, Mind and Victory”


                                                 "Only the spirit person lives and dies for the homeland."
                                                                                                             Garegin Nzhdeh
On January 29, the Ministry of Education and Science of Gyumri, together with the "Entanik"Youth  Creative Center  organized an event entitled "Call ... Spirit, Mind, Victory" dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Army.
The aim of the event was to evaluate the role of the Armenian Army as a guarantee of statehood and independence, to promote military-patriotic upbringing of teenagers and students, to inspire the younger generation with the example of brave soldiers.
The event was attended by the Commander of Gyumri Garrison's 55035 military unit, Sukias Avetisyan, Chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia's Gyumri-2 Regional Council, Yura Alexanyan, Chairman of Yerkrapah Volunteers Union, Yuri Alexanyan, Head of Gyumri Military Commissariat, Major Zareh Zorayan, members of the Shirak Marz Writers' directors of educational and cultural institutions, as well as media representatives, as well as graduates of the school, conscripts and parents, the Military Action participants of Four-Day War.
The event was marked by a solemn inauguration of the RA State Flag by the Honor Guard, followed by anthem of Armenia accompanied by the newly created Brass Band of the "Entanik" center.
In the solemn ceremony, Major Zareh Zorayan awarded the Director of Craftsmen State School Knarik Aharonyan and the Senior Lieutenant Mnatsakan Gevorgyan with letters of appreciation and handed over a letter of thanks from the Ministry of Defense to the parents of Sergeant Artyom Volodya Tsarukyan, a graduate of the school, a patriot a child and a brave warrior. They also encouraged the graduating students to keep the honor of the sacred duty of homeland protection, their dignity and the honor of the school. The parents of the boys in the ministry were raised. the deported young men presented flowers to them, wishing them peace to the world of peace, and to their sons, a good return.
For the contribution to the close cooperation with the school and the students' military-patriotic education, the college administration issued a letter of gratitude to the deputy commander of the Gyumri garrison 55035 military unit, lieutenant colonel Armen Grigoryan.
The event was followed by a festive event.
Patriotic songs and dances, patriotic poems, refer to the fact that an Armenian soldier takes the army with courage, courage and loyalty.
Students and students of the Center's martial arts group demonstrated the skills gained from military science and physical training through demonstration exercises.
The participants of the event presented the history of the formation of the 26th anniversary of the Armenian Armed Forces battling and winning wars, meaning the Homeland, Independence and Solidarity ideas.
The participants shared their impressions, highlighted the necessity of organizing such events, the spiritual support and honor of servicemen and their parents.
"As the descendants of the Armenian nation, we have to hold the title and honor of being Armenian." The future soldiers and students who continued their sacred duty in this willing spirit promised to follow the example of heroic fighters to fight for the peace and security of the nation and their homeland.
S. Elbakyan