The Event: “ You Are Always Awake, My Armenian Solider”


                                                                              “I swore an oath… I shall belong to One man
                                                                               That man is a soldier of freedom of
                                                                                My Motherland”
                                                                                                                             Monte Melqonyan
In Gyumri Craftsman State School N 4 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Army an event was held entitled “You Are Always Awake, My Armenian Solider”.
The aim of the event was to evaluate the creation of the Armenian Army as a guarantee of the preservation of the Independence, as a defender of peace for the native country. The guests of honor were the Deputy of National Assembly S. Avetisyan, directors of educational institutions, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Gyumri N garrison commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Armen Grigoryan, the Regional Council of “Yerkrapah Volunteer Union”/defender of the land/ Yuri Aleksanyan, 45 parents of students in compulsory military commissariat of Gyumri, many college graduates retired in 2016, participants of the Artsakh war, who have received numerous awards.
The beginning of the event was herald by bringing in the national flag of RA by the ceremonial guard of honor and with the national anthem of RA performed by the Gyumri Garrison Brass Band.
The perception act was symbolic, which approved one more time the centuries long struggle of the Armenian people, who became a beacon for rescue, became the power for the history and heritage of writing, became the power of faith and strength coming from the depth.
Participants of the event, being the generation of independence, proudly presented the harden and victorious history of formation of the 25-year Armenian army, giving spiritual meanings to these ideas… Homeland, Independence and Solider. The attendees were touched by the oath of solider son to his motherland, which was strengthening in every heart with a courageous hawk soar.
The arrogant  patriotic songs and dances, patriotic poems witnessing that the Armenian solider carries to army his will, his courage, his filial love for his own country.
The Praise of honor were send to the participants of the April 4-DayWar college graduate soldiers, who behest to their  younger friends never afraid and maintain the independence which was gained in blood and sweat.
Especially was exciting the moment when the hero graduates presented flowers to the serving soldiers’ mothers, wishing peace to the world Armenia, and to their sons… welcome back!
And concepts of Njdeh’s soul sounded as recruitments of Light, Spirit and Future…