Radio equipment mender radio mechanic and servicing

  1. On the basis of secondary/full/compulsory education with the duration of one year.
  2. On the basis of essential compulsory education in case of being combined with high school curriculum with the duration of three years.
  3. The training process is organized in the form of theoretical, practical, educational, industrial and post graduation practice. 

    The education is free of charge and the students get scholarship. 

    The industrial and specialized subjects trainings are taken place in the college workshop which are equipped with modern requirements of radio, with the necessary tools, materials and professional literature for repairing and servicing. 

    During the educational years the industrial practices are held in corresponding workshops, in the technical park. 

    Parallel with the general subjects, students also study the following specialized modules: 

    Engineering Graphics- completing this module the student will gain the ability of reading, understanding of specialized working programs, the practical knowledge and necessary skills in order to realize the simplest programs. 

    Basics of electrical engineering-students will have knowledge of basic educational concepts, fixed and variable currents, measurement equipment and necessary skills for making measurements. Complicating this module the student will gain knowledge about the technique of measuring the electric current and electric circuits. 

    The skills for the application tools and devices necessary for the repairmen of radio electronic equipment.
    This module aims to give students knowledge about electrical measuring instruments and test equipment and the skills for using, connecting and measuring. Complicating this module the students will be given knowledge of how to distinguish between measuring instruments and test equipment according to the technical characteristics and skills of making measurements. 

    Basics of radio-electronic equipment repair technology-this module aims to give the students knowledge about technology to be used during the repair of radio-electronic equipment. Knowledge of this module will help the students to use appropriate technology during the repair. 

    The functions and significance of radio equipment, knowledge of this module will help the students to use appropriate technology during the repair. 

    The functions and significance of radio equipment basic knots-studying this module the students will gain knowledge about the basic nodes of the elements used in radio-electronic equipment and their functions, will gain the ability to recognize the elements and nodes of radio-electronic equipment, to cheek and repair skills. 

    This module is provided to give students knowledge about functional knots of radio equipment, in order to give the skills about how to detect, eliminate and test their defects. Complicating this module, the student will gain skills how to read radio schemes, how to detect defects and how to repair functional junctions. 

    TV (TV cable) repair and service skills. Module is designed for giving students skills about how to test TV’s functional units, to detects and how to install (TV Cables) knowledge of the module will help to make correct TV repairmen and maintenance works. Completing this module the student will be given the applied knowledge and skills about how to read television schemes, how to distinguish and measure the input and output characteristics of functional nodes, how to detect and eliminate defects according to their functional features. 

    Recording-reproducing equipment repair and maintenance skills.
    Completing this module the student will gain the knowledge and skills about how to read recording schemes, how to distinguish and measure the input and output characteristics of functional nodes, how to detect and eliminate defects according to the functional features

    Audio reproduction equipment repair and maintenance skills. Module provides knowledge about video equipment, about tuition and eliminate of defects, reading of video equipment schemes, skills about distinguishing and measuring incoming and outgoing characteristics of functional knots and about how to detect and eliminate defects according to their functional features. 

    Reproduction equipment repair skills. This module provides the student with knowledge about their reproduction equipment, the skills of detection, repair and service of their defects. 

    Security and First Aid. 
    The student creates the security rules for the protection of working place and develops abilities of implementing measures and first aid. 

    Communication technologies.
    The student develops and strengthens communication skills as well as acquires self-confidence during his professional activity and his personal life. 

    Basics of computer operation.
    Module promotes the student’s skills in using computer and working in text edition and in the internet, a qualification of television equipment service and repairman is awarded to graduates through final certification. 

    The graduates receive a diploma and a certification of secondary, full education. On general principles the students may continue studies in higher educational institutions. 

    A specialist by qualification of radio repairman can do the following. 

    1. Radaio equipment repair using technical diagrams.
    2. Diagnosis and repair of radio television equipment inconsistencies, radio equipment repair using technical diagrams
    3. Service of modern radio and means of communication using technical passport.
    4. Repair and installation of television and (TV cable)
    5. Recording and reproduction equipment repair and installation.
    6. Video recording and service.
    7. Diagnosis and repair of reproducing equipment defects.