The artistic engraving of wood is one of main branches of decorative arts. The engraving is used in sculpture, in preparing the applied things, in interior design, in furniture making, in making of decorative things, souvenir, bas relief and relief, church things, in order to decorate of sacristy, doors and in the other spheres. The education is available.

  1. On the basis of secondary/full/compulsory education with the duration of one year.
  2. On the basis of essential compulsory education in case of being combined with high school curriculum with the duration of three years.

The training process is organized with the help of theoretical, practical, educational, industrial and post graduation practice. 
The education is free of charge and the students get scholarship. 
Both the subjects of general and special education are taught by highly experienced teachers, lectures and famous masters of industrial training. 
The industrial trainings are taken place in the college workshop which is full of necessary tools, equipments and materials. The industrial practices are held in corresponding workshops. 
In addition of wood art workshop there are also the classrooms of drawing, composition, sculpture, material, design, technical drawing with the corresponding material and technical basis. 

In order to get the Wood Art qualification in addition to general subjects students also study the following specialized modules: 
History of Art: Acquaintance with history of art and especially with the history of wood art. 

Material science: The different kinds of wood, the methods of keeping and drying, the structural, physical and chemical properties. 

Graphic design: Acquaintance with principles of graphic, process of construction, developing sense of line, form, making of decorative pattern: 

Drawing: construction of wood things, to have a correct idea of not only sizes and scales of spatial images but also the skills of making working graphics. 

Composition: Developing the abilities of expressing proportionate and harmonious, completed idea and sense in the sphere of wood art. 

Model projection: The ability of individual and group projection and application, the ability of organizing small and middle industries. 

Sculpture: Developing of sense of spatial form with the help of relief and bas relief, spatial sculpture (materials -clay, gypsum). 

Practical training: Wooden decorative things, bas reliefs used in furniture making, interior design, engraving of religious and national theme. Students study the properties, features and application spheres of woodworking machines, tools. 

The aim of training is to prepare high-qualified wood art sculptors, with the knowledge, skills and abilities according the market relevant, the development of a person with the artistic taste and universal cultural values. 

Wood art sculptor’s qualification is awarded to graduates in final attestation. 
The graduates receive a diploma and a certification of secondary, full education. On general principles the students may continue studies in high educational institutions. 
The specialist of Preliminary vocational (handicraft) education “Decorative Applied Art ” with the qualification of “Wood Art ” can realize the following activities: 

  1. Prepare and engrave wooden things, jewelery
  2. Make decorative patterns of furniture
  3. Make artistic engraving and restoration