It was organized by the teacher of Armenian literature Agapi Poghosyan. The purpose of the open lesson was to present the fable as a literary genre, to assess the role of fables in shaping human moral values, to acquaint with the works of Armenian and world fabulists: The lesson began with a video dedicated to the Bible section "The Book of fable ". With the help of a beautiful theatrical game, the students demonstrated excerpts from the proverbs of Solomon the Wise. As naturopaths, they chose the profound motto "to learn wisdom, to know what genius says.": Students presented the structure, types of the genre "fable", explained what the term "fable" means, in front of their eyes. They talked about M.Gosh, V. Aygektsi’s fables. In parallel with the slide show, the poster was used to present both the World /Jean de La Fontaine, Lessing, Ivan Krylov/, as well as famous fabulists from the new Armenian literature / H. Abovyan, A. Khnkoyan, A. Isaakian, G. Shiraz/: The poster "map of fables" prepared by students was interesting, which depicted all the characteristic features of the fable: The lesson contributed to the development of students' literate speech, the formation of analytical thinking, the ability to appreciate the good and the beautiful.