Open class on "Peculiarities of Engraving in Machine Tools"


On February 15, 2013, an open lesson on "Peculiarities of Engraving with Machine-operated Tools" was held at the one-year course of "Art and Sculpture, Engraving Wooden Artistic Materials", with the participation of 12 students
The goal of the open lesson was:

• Develop the ability to carry out independent research work;
• Enrich professional knowledge;
• Develop analytical skills, activate mentality / draw parallels between hand and mechanized engravings /,
• Show professional skills.

Students presented video materials and sliding machines with wooden engraving machine-tools (HDD machines / types), as well as development history, technical specifications / 3D ... 5D /.
It was impressive to display and comment on video clips on modern contemporary art techniques.
The screening of Armenian part of the Museum of Woodworking (Yerevan) was also remarkable. The film featured a lot of household items by hand engraving Armenian ornaments ... and the students commented on the video.
The students took parallels between hand and carved engravings, presented their peculiarities. They reported their personal opinions and views on handmade and mechanized engravings.
Students demonstrated a video about the work of the device for copying the engraving.
Students' carved wooden artistic designs were decorated with a working platform, and the desktop was equipped with tools for wood engraving.
One of the students briefly presented the tools and equipment required for the workshop's engraving by classifying them as ...

In collaboration with "Homestay" CMS, one of the center's smart and intelligent pupils, S. Sahakyan, demonstrated the TSS / CNC / machine engraving, engraving the pre-programmed image.

Teacher: S. Mkrtchyan