Jewelry is one of the main branches of decorative art. For Profession by qualification basic educational program is available.

  1. On the basis of secondary/full/compulsory education with the duration of one year.
  2. On the basis of essential compulsory education in case of being combined with high school curriculum with the duration of three years.

Both the subjects of general and special education are taught by highly experienced teachers, lectures and famous masters of industrial training. 
The industrial trainings are taken place in the college workshop which is full of necessary tools, equipments and materials. The industrial practices and practical lessons are held in corresponding workshops. Frequent excursions are organized to the museums, where students get acquainted with the works of famous masters. 
During three years of education in addition to general subjects students also study the following specialized modules: 
Security and First Aid. 
The student creates the security rules for the protection of working place and develops abilities of implementing measures and first aid. 
Professional introduction. 
Student is given knowledge of jewelry art, its role and importance, its history of development, of the main tools used in jewelry workshops, about devices and equipment, about their role and importance. 

Preparation for the Fusion of Jewelry Objects. 
The student gets knowledge (skills) about how to get jewel fusion, change it into a bar, weight and record it for the required type of maintaining the technical safety rules. 

The preparatory work for jewelry objects. Making preparatory objects and images by the way of locksmith works
Students are given the knowledge of making preparatory objects and images by the way of Locksmith works. 

The preparatory work for jewelry objects. Preparation of images by the way of Tattoo.
The student learns how to make images by the way of tattoo. 

The preparatory work for jewelry objects.Making images by the way of assimilation.
The learner of this module obtains the ability of making images and jewelry objects by the way of casting and assimilation. 

The preparatory work for jewelry objects.Making images by the way of tissue techniques.
This module forms the ability of making images and jewelry objects by the method of tissue engineering. 

Collecting of preparation objects. 
The students get knowledge of making jewelry objects from the images by the way of welding articulated compounds. 

The current elaboration of jewelry objects. 
The student acquires abilities how to eliminate and handle the welded places of the remains of jewelry item collections. 

The final design and complementation of jewelry objects.
The student acquires abilities of making final design and complementation of jewelry objects. 

Jewelry stone installation.
Students are given a thorough skill of grounding in the kinds of jewelry stones, skills of jewelry stone installation. 

Cleaning of objects, sorting of tools handing of the ready objects. 
The student learns to clean the workplace and hand the work done material with the remained precious metal. 

Repair works. 
The student learns the ability to repair damaged jewelry objects. 

General working skills. Module introduces the preconditions for success in business activities as well as forms ability to demonstrate the working culture and ethics in any field and the effective interactions with colleagues, to understand and find solutions to the problems at work. 

This gives communication forms during the working and professional activities as well as in private life, effective and active communication skills. 

Basics of computer operation
This module promotes student‘s ability in using computer working in text editor and internet. 

In addition to the above-mentioned modules, the learner studies humanitarian and social- economical, mathematical and science group of subjects, which contribute the student’s overall development. 
The purpose of education is to prepare qualified jewelers with market relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, to promote artistic taste and universal cultural values of the person. 

“Goldsmith” qualification is awarded to graduates in final attestation. The graduates receive a diploma and a certification of secondary, full education. Those who wish, can continue their education in the higher educational institutions. 

A person qualified as a jeweler can 
-make jewelry, adornments of precious and semi-precious metals and stones. 
-make jewelry and repair things. 
-prepare and fix the artistic crafts items.