“Yesenin… he is forever”.


                                                                                                                                      “I love you My Land, 
                                                                                                                                       But with a strange love…”
On November 30, in Gyumri Craftsman State School N4 with the participants of first-year student held an open lesson on the subject of Russian Language entitled “Yesenin… he is forever”. The main goal of the lesson was to learn and study the creative way of Yesenin’s life, to sow the seeds of love towards Russian classical literature, and develop the students’ reading and reciting skills. 
The life and the works of the poet who “Came from the North”, were introduced with the help of his autobiography, poems, quotes about him and memories of contemporaries.  The idea of students was very interesting:  Yesenin’s whole works were presented in the form and image of a thick tree with many branches, each of them were symbolizing the enduring human values… love towards the motherland, beloved, human-being and towards honesty, justice and the truth. The symbolizing statements and themes were depicted as autumn leaves, revealing the secret of the poet’s last name.  
The students noted that Yesenin in his young years was creating in a audacious and daring way, while in his mellow age he was writing unique and special lyrics. During his short life Yesenin managed to create and leave a rich inheritance in literature. The main part of his poems were translated into Armenian. They are well-known for the Armenian readers. The attendees also listened to the beautiful songs based on Yesenin’s poems.
The students made parallels between Yesenin and Teryan, generalizing their typical melancholy and sadness. 
At the end of the lesson the students also were introduced the mystery of poet’s death, which was covered with a veil of suicide for many years. Summarizing the lesson they made a conclusion: Yesenin is a subtle poet, a rural Russian singer, an expert of national language and soul… and an eternal traveler…
                                                                                                                         Teaching Committee of Humanitarian Sciences