The professional film library is being replenished ...



On November 27, 2011, was held a  film watching on the initiative of third-year students of "Jewelry, jeweler". introduce first-year and second-year students of the same specialty to modern jewelery and decorative technologies, enrich their professional knowledge, and demonstrate professional vocabulary learned from a foreign language.
At the beginning of the lesson, third-year students presented the purpose of creation of the film library and a historical background on the development of jewelry art.
They downloaded and transmitted five professional short videos that they wrote on the media and printed the relevant information translated into Armenian. Videos were selected from the professional criteria module.
With the help of the projector, the films "Emerald and Diamond Earring Repair", "Preparation of Gold Rings", "Diamond Handle" with Women's Ring Making and Making, "Anchor Pendant's Cold Envelope with Bee-Replacement Materials", " were presented and discussed by the students.
 A professional dialogue was arranged, and the first and second party members were fully answered. Graduate students encouraged their junior friends to continue their initiative by completing a professional film library.
                                                                                                                      Trainer: Kh. Eghiazarian