The Training  Visit to 'Alva Tsaghik' Social-Educational Center 'NGO


On October 25, 2016, 14 students of the third course of "Computers Maintenance Computer: Operator " at Gyumri Craftsmen State School N4 visited "Alva Tsaghik" Social-Educational Center NGO.
The purpose of the visit was:
    get acquainted with the goals, missions,
    get acquainted with samples of business documents,
    highlight the possibility of applying professional knowledge
    cooperate with the educational center;
    provide additional professional orientation opportunities.
The Head of NGO L. Gyunashyan briefly summarized NGO’s goals, missions and activities. Samples of business documents were displayed, followed by an exciting professional talk-discussion about modern business requirements.
It was also interesting to see the e-library's capabilities and database acquaintance.
In order to provide effective and targeted cooperation with the Social-Educational Center, the students donated the elegant and educational slide on the theme "English alphabet for children" to their students. According to L. Gundasyan, it was a beautiful form of goodwill, a unique initiative and a new start of cooperation.
At the end of the visit, students shared their impressions and impressions, noting that such visits contribute to the development of general and professional knowledge, giving the opportunity to choose an additional specialty.
Teacher : A. Margaryan