
Russian Language Week, dedicated to Russian literature and culture, was announced at the educational institution from October 23 to October 31.
Emphasizing the importance of reading as a means of language acquisition, communication, exchange of information and ideas, as well as a complex cognitive process aimed at understanding texts, Russian language teacher N. Manukyan properly organized reading hours. Russian literature The aim was to introduce students to the works of Russian creators of the XIX century, to the literary heritage they left behind and, enriching the vocabulary of the Russian language, to develop oral speech, to form linguistic thinking.
We perceive books in our own way, and it is extremely important that we extract from each book something that will help us act more intelligently in life, rethink phenomena and think a few steps further. reading will help you find meaning and learn from what the author wanted to convey",- one student expressed this belief.
In the reading lesson, the students also mentioned those works that changed their perception of the world.