The open lesson from Russian literature entitled "The Illustrations of I. Krilov" 


On December 20, an open lesson was held  in Russian literature, entitled "The Illustrations of I. Krilov,".
 The lesson aimed to:
•  instill the  interest in Russian classical literature;
• explore the creative way of Ivan Krylov,
• Get acquainted with the genre features of the parable
• Develop creative abilities of students.
The lesson began with the preface of the teacher, then the students presented the biography of Krylov, talked about his works, presented the parable as a literary genre. Then they read from the parables of Krylov, commenting on them, noting that human flaws, wickedness, greed, flattery and so on are criticized in parables. The students took comparisons between the world and the Armenian scribes, Jeshophos, Gosh, and Aygektsi.
Summarizing the lesson, the students came to the conclusion that the parables have a great educational significance and express the age-old wisdom of the people.
                                    Teacher: N. Manukyan